Option to change CPC currency to something other than USD
Robert Farquhar
We need this added please. Our company is UK only ATM but even if we did expand our costs are in £s. The values for our keywords are very different from territory to territory.
Andrey Kirillov
Merged in a post:
CPC in € currency for keywords
Darja Odar
I wanted to adjust Cost per click data for keyword in € currency and not in Dollars. It is not possible, this option would be wellcome at aHrefs.
Andrey Kirillov
Merged in a post:
Google ads cost as Euro €
Marko Rasinmaki
Currently only supports ads cost per click as USD.
Cole Byrne
Thanks for sharing this! All the best!
Feel free to visit: https://codeberg.org/
Patrick Cookman
good idea, wish they'd add it already.
abdul samad
Yes. i also want the same thing
Frederik Nørgaard
Anynews on this?